Chiropractic Treatment for Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Chiropractic Treatment for Myofascial Pain Syndrome

In addition to the many joints and bones that comprise the thoracic spine, there is a network of interwoven and layered muscles. These muscles are used to stabilize and move the spine, aid in respiration, and move the shoulder and arm. Fascia is a layer of connective...
Summer Exercise is Good for Your Back

Summer Exercise is Good for Your Back

Summer is the perfect time of year to engage in appropriate outdoor exercises to rehabilitate your back. Most types of exercise can be done year‐round, but the sunlight and green grass of summer can be great encouragement to get out and make the best of a pleasant...
6 Simple Back Care Reminders

6 Simple Back Care Reminders

Get back to the basics of spine health with these 6 simple yet important back care tips: 1. Stay Hydrated and Practice Good Nutrition Maintaining a healthy diet and staying well -hydrated will optimize blood flow and nutrition to your organs, joints, and spine. Blood...
Exercise Walking for Better Back Health

Exercise Walking for Better Back Health

People with ongoing or recurrent episodes of lower back pain should consider the benefits of walking as a low‐impact form of exercise. Aerobic exercise has long been shown to reduce the incidence of low back pain. However, people with low back pain often find some...
Depression and Chronic Back Pain

Depression and Chronic Back Pain

Depression is by far the most common emotion associated with chronic back pain. The type of depression that often accompanies chronic pain is referred to as major depression or clinical depression. This type of depression goes beyond what would be considered normal...